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Those who love you are not fooled by

mistakes you have made, or by dark

images you hold about yourself. They

remember your beauty when you feel

ugly; your wholeness when you are

broken; your innocence when you

feel guilty; and your purpose when

you are confused.

Alan Cohen

The most daunting aspect of hope and faith is the environment you’re in. We don’t make change in satisfactory conditions. We don’t seek a new vibration if we match the frequency of the present conditions.


For a large part of my life, music has been a path of discovery, a source of inspiration, and a means of expression. In the times that I felt like I didn’t have anyone, I had some music to spend time with. I think many people can relate to that. Maybe not everyone, but the people who do can look at certain music that sums up things. Music is powerful because our water molecules respond to them and it can make a good situation great, or a bad situation worse. It’s a good fuel, a food and a delicacy. It’s been a companion for me. My art. My muse. My mission.

I used to want to save the world with this. Now, I just want to continue to explore from a pure space free of unnecessary pressure and insecurity about who the best is or isn’t. It’s way too easy to get caught in the cognitive loop cycle of who is blowing up or getting attention right now. The truth that I ascertain of our society is that we are all being inundated with information, images, and marketing that pushes and pulls us in many directions. That is an issue for humanity, not just musicians or creatives. How do we regain balance? Was there ever any balance to begin with.

Photography of City During Sunset


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Raiders of the lost art

“The Cultivation and honing of the highest level of self-actualization, self-awareness, planetary consciousness, interdisciplinary inner dimensional travel, and mastering the basics of Being in tune with the Infinite.”

Phantom Of The Chakra

©2018 - 2025

About Me

Rasheed Jamal -- is an American rapper, songwriter, model public speaker, and author better known by his stage name — Rasheed Jamal. Through producing a prolific stream of musical & creative output, his aim is to be FREE in through his creative endeavors, and to raise the level of expectation for himself and others.

We were taught what our families were taught. In order to break cycles it is important to learn from our immediate family and communities what works and what doesn’t in order to not repeat the same cycles and continue the trend.

This is not easy.

People might treat you funny for this. You may be misunderstood at first, but if you become successful people will pay to learn to understand you.